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  主要从事土壤培肥与肥力演变及土壤改良等方面的研究。主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金项目、国家科技支撑计划课题与专题及中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目等10多项,参加国家科技支撑计划、973、863和科技基础性工作专项等课题10多项;获国家级和省部级等奖励10项,在国内外核心刊物Science of the Total Environment、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、Soil & Tillage Research和中国农业科学等发表论文70余篇,其中SCI论文18篇,作为副主编和参编合作出版《耕地质量演变趋势研究》、《中国土壤肥力演变》和《中国农田土壤肥力长期试验网络》等著作14部,作为发明人之一获国家发明专利6项。





  (4)国家科技支撑计划子课题“畜废利用模式下氮磷肥适量投入关键技术研究及示范” (2012BAD14B04-3),2012.01-2016.12


  (6)中英农业可持续联合中心种子基金项目“华北平原施肥对土壤碳氮储量的影响”,CSIA seed-funding projects:The impact of fertilizer practices on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in North China Plain. 2018.4.1-2019.9.30

  (7)中英农业可持续联合中心种子基金项目“气候变化下提高土壤质量和减少温室气体排放的土壤养分管理”,CSIA seed-funding projects:Manage soil nutrients for improving soil quality and reducing GHG emission under climate change. 2017.1.1-2017.12.31











  (1)F.L. Ren1, N. Sun1, X.B. Zhang, L. Wu, M.G. Xu, et al. 2019. Changes in soil microbial biomass with manure application in cropping. Soil and Tillage Research, 194: 1-11. (SCI,IF 5.24) (同等贡献作者)

  (2)S. Liang, X.B. Zhang*, N. Sun*, M.G. Xu, L. Wu, et al. 2019. Modeling crop yield and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat and maize production systems under future climate change. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 115: 117-136. (SCI,IF 2.89) (*通讯作者,下同)

  (3)S. Liang, X.B. Zhang*, N. Sun*, M.G. Xu, L. Wu, et al. 2018. Response of crop yield and nitrogen use efficiency for wheat-maize cropping system to future climate change in northern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 262: 310-320. (SCI,IF 4.039)

  (4)F.L. Ren, X.B. Zhang*, N. Sun*, L. Wu, M.G. Xu, et al. 2018. A synthetic analysis of livestock manure substitution effects on organic carbon changes in China's arable topsoil. Catena, 171: 1-10. (SCI,IF 3.256)

  (5)J. Huang, M.G. Xu, Y.Z. Zhang*, S.D. Gao, N. Sun*, et al. 2017. Nitrogen mobility, ammonia volatilization, and estimated leaching loss from long-term manure incorporation in red soil. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16(9): 2082-2092. (SCI,IF 1.04)

  (6)X.B. Zhang, N. Sun*, L. Wu, M.G. Xu*, et al. 2016. Effects of enhancing soil organic carbon sequestration in the topsoil by fertilization on crop productivity and stability: Evidence from long-term experiments with wheat-maize cropping systems in China. Science of the Total Environment, 562: 247-259. (SCI,IF 4.9)

  (7)X.B. Zhang, M.G. Xu*, N. Sun, W. Xiong, L. Wu, et al. 2016. Modelling and predicting crop yield, soil carbon and nitrogen stocks under climate change scenarios with fertiliser management in the North China Plain. Geoderma, 265: 176-186. (SCI,IF 4.036)

  (8)X.B. Zhang, L. Wu, N. Sun*, et al. 2014. Soil CO2 and N2O emissions in maize growing season under different fertilizer regimes in an upland red soil region of south china. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13(3): 604-614. (SCI,IF 0.833)

  (9)王树会,张旭博*,孙楠*,徐明岗. 2018. 2050 年农田土壤温室气体排放及碳氮储量变化 SPACSYS模型预测.植物营养与肥料学报, 24(6): 1550-1565.

  (10)张旭博,孙楠*,徐明岗*,等. 2014. 全球气候变化下中国农田土壤碳库未来变化.中国农业科学, 47(23): 4648-4657.

  (11)全国农业技术推广服务中心、中国农科院农业资源与区划所.耕地质量演变趋势研究. 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2008年6月. 副主编

  (12)徐明岗,张文菊和黄绍敏等著. 中国土壤肥力演变(第二版). 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2015. 参编






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