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  2017.09-至今     糖心vlog,研究员,博士生导师

  2017.09-至今     Cornell University(康奈尔大学),Visiting Professor

  2013.01-2017.09  Cornell University(康奈尔大学),Research Associate

  2010.01-2012.12  Cornell University(康奈尔大学),Postdoctoral Associate

  2006.12-2009.12  中国科学院微生物研究所,助理研究员

  2004.07-2006.11  中国科学院微生物研究所,研究实习员









  BMC Plant Biology, associate editor

  Frontiers in Microbiology, associate editor

  Frontiers in Plant Science, associate editor


  2006.09-2009.06  中国科学院昆明植物研究所,植物学,博士

  2001.09-2004.06  中国农业大学植物病理学系,植物病理学,硕士

  1997.09-2001.06  山东农业大学植物保护学院,植物保护学,学士





  农业种质资源保护和利用- 中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目 ,课题主持,5万,2021.02-2021.04

  烟草青枯病与黑胫病并发规律与绿色防控研究- 贵州省烟草公司遵义市公司重点研发项目 ,主持,120万,2021.05-2024.04

  国家微生物资源共享服务平台运行补助项目, 科技部科技基础条件平台项目 ,主持,600万,2021.01-2021.12

  土传病害成因、流行规律与治理方案研究- 国家重点研发计划 (2019YFD1002001),主持,271万,2019.05-2022.12

  基于微生物组学的新型植物防病促生制剂开发与应用- 北京市科技计划 (Z191100004019025),主持,230万,2019.01-2021.12

  丁香假单胞菌III型分泌系统组分HrpH的多功能解析- 国家自然科学基金 (No.31871924),主持,59万, 2019.01-2022.12

  有益假单胞菌III型分泌系统群体遗传学研究-- 糖心vlog基本科研业务费专项院级统筹项目 (Y2019XK07),主持,60万,2019.01-2020.12

  青年英才计划-- 糖心vlog科技创新工程专项经费 (No.964-2),主持,300万,2018.07-2023.06

  云南烟草黑胫病发生及微生态控制研究-- 中国烟草总公司云南省公司科技计划重点项目 (No. 2017YN08),主持,170万,2017.05-2019.12

  基于丁香假单胞效应蛋白多聚突变体D36E与Tn7-GATEWAY克隆技术的效应蛋白组学研究-- 国家自然科学基金 (No.31741106),主持,15万,2018.01-2018.12

  青年英才计划-- 糖心vlog农业资源与区划研究所引进人才项目 (No.866-2),主持,50万,2018.07-2018.12

  青年英才计划-- 糖心vlog农业资源与区划研究所引进人才项目 (No.720-17, 854-3),主持,100万,2017.09-2018.09

  生防假单胞杆菌Ⅲ型分泌系统组成基因的克隆与超微结构鉴定— 国家自然科学基金 (No. 30700538),主持,17万,2008.01-2010.12

  Population diversity of culturable endophytic nicotine-degrading bacteria in tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.)-- 国际科学基金 (No. F/4583-1),主持,11,400 USD,2008.10-2009.10

  “农作物重大病害多功能广谱生防菌剂研究和创制”子课题--”食线虫微生物的功能基因分子改造与菌剂制造”-- 国家“ 863 ”计划重大项目 (No.2006AA10A211),骨干,190万,2006.10-2010.10

  Leveraging natural variation in tomato to identify, characterize, and deploy new sources of disease resistance – 美国国家自然科学基金 (No.IOS-1546625),骨干,4230,934 USD,2016.09-2020.08

  Leveraging genomics resources and wild species of tomato to identify new sources of disease resistance -- 美国国家自然科学基金 (No.IOS-1025642),骨干,4,187,897 USD,2011.03-2016.02

  Exploiting tomato genomics resources to investigate basal plant defenses against pathogens-- 美国国家自然科学基金 (No. IOS-0605059),骨干,2,500,000 USD,2006.07-2011.06


  1.王若娜,马毅楠,李俊州,王远宏*,魏海雷*. 丁香假单胞菌Ⅲ型分泌系统组分HrpH酶学功能解析. 植物病理学报 , 2021, DOI: 10.13926/j.cnki.apps.000745

  2.Gu Y, Ma YN, Wang J, Xia Z*, Wei HL*. Genomic insights into a plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas koreensis strain with cyclic lipopeptide-mediated antifungal activity. MicrobiologyOpen , 2020, 9(9), e1092, DOI: 10.1002/mbo3.1092

  3.A Plant Lectin Receptor-like Kinase Phosphorylates the Bacterial Effector AvrPtoB to Dampen Its Virulence in Arabidopsis. Xu N, Luo X, Wu W, Xing Y, Liang Y, Liu Y, Zou H, Wei HL, Liu J. Molecular Plant , 2020,13(10):1499-1512. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.09.016

  4.Gu Y, Wang J, Xia Z, Wei HL*. Characterization of a versatile plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Pseudomonas mediterranea strain S58. Microorganisms, 2020, 8(3), 334; doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8030334

  5.New section and species in Talaromyces. Sun BD, Chen AJ, Houbraken J, Frisvad JC, Wu WP, Wei HL, Zhou YG, Jiang XZ, Samson RA. MycoKeys , 2020, 68:75-113. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.68.52092

  6.Bacillus telluris sp. nov. Isolated from Greenhouse Soil in Beijing, China. Guo HB, He SW, Wang X, Thin KK, Wei HL*, Zhang XX*. Microorganisms , 2020, 8(5):702. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8050702

  7.廖开吉,罗媛,夏振远,魏海雷*,曾凯芳*. 具有III型分泌系统的摩拉维亚假单胞菌FP1761植物益生功能及其全基因组分析. 植物病理学报 , 2020, 50( 6): 748-757. DOI: 10.13926/j.cnki.apps.000341

  8.夏振远,谷医林,张宏越,魏海雷*. 复合微生物制剂改善土壤生物学特性和防治烟草黑胫病的研究. 中国土壤与肥料 , 2021, 1: 192-196. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.5498.S.20200929.1521.002.html

  9.Bao Z, Wei HL, Ma X, Swingle B. Pseudomonas syringae AlgU downregulates flagellin gene expression, helping evade plant immunity. Journal of Bacteriology, 2020, 202(4): e00418-19.

  10.Xia Z, Lei L, Zhang HY, Wei HL*. Characterization of the ModABC molybdate transport system of Pseudomonas putida in nicotine degradation. Frontiers in Microbiology , 2018, 9:3030. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.03030

  11.Zhang W, Collmer A, Wei HL*. A fliC flagellin mutant of Pseudomonas syringae effectorless polymutant DC3000D36E reveals novel death elicitation activity in Nicotiana benthamiana . Phytopathology , 2018, 108 (10): 38-39.

  12.Wei HL*, Zhang W, Collmer A*. Modular approach to the type III effector repertoire in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 reveals a matrix of effector interplay in pathogenesis. Cell Reports , 2018, 23(6): 1630-1638.

  13.Wei HL and Collmer A. Defining essential processes in plant pathogenesis with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 disarmed polymutants and a subset of key type III effectors. Molecular Plant Pathology , 2018, 19(7): 1779-1794.

  14.Hatsugai N, Igarashi D, Mase K, Lu Y, Tsuda Y, Chakravarthy S, Wei HL, Foley JW, Collmer A, GlazebrookJ, Katagiri F. Plant effector-triggered immunity signaling sector is inhibited by pattern-triggered immunity. The EMBO Journal , 2017, 36: 2758-2769.

  15.Wang J, Wei HL*, Chang RK, Liu HQ, Wang YH. First report of Strawberry bacterial angular leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas fragariae in Tianjin, China. Plant Disease , 2017, 101(11): 1949

  16.Liu P, Zhang W, Zhang LQ, Liu XZ, Wei HL*. Supramolecular structure and functional analysis of the type III protein secretion system in Pseudomonas fluorescens 2P24. Frontiers in Plant Science , 2016, 6:1190. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01190

  17.Lei L, Xia Z, Liu XZ, Wei HL*. Occurrence and variability of tobacco rhizosphere and phyllosphere bacterial ccommunities associated with nicotine biodegradation. Annals of Microbiology , 2016, 65: 163-173.

  18.Wei HL, Chakravarthy S, Mathieu J, Helmann T, Stodghill P, Swingle B, Martin G, Collmer A. Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 type III secretion effector polymutants reveal an interplay between HopAD1 and AvrPtoB. Cell Host & Microbe , 2015, 17(6): 752-762.

  19.Xia Z, Zhang W, Lei L, Liu X, Wei HL*. Genome-wide investigation of the genes involved in nicotine metabolism in Pseudomonas putida J5 by Tn5 transposon mutagenesis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , 2015, 99(15): 6503-6514.

  20.Lam HN, Chakravarthy S, Wei HL, BuiNguyen H, Stodghill PV, Collmer A, Swingle BM, Cartinhour SW. Global analysis of the HrpL regulon in the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 reveals new regulon members with diverse functions. PLoS One , 2014, 9(8), e106115

  21.Bao Z, Stodghill PV, Myers CR, Lam H, Wei HL, Chakravarthy S, Kvitko BH, Collmer A, Cartinhour SW, Schweitzer P, Swingle B. 2014. Genomic plasticity enables phenotypic variation of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. PLoS One , 9(2), e86628

  22.Wei HL, Chakravarthy S, Worley J, Collmer A. Consequences of flagellin export through the type III secretion system of Pseudomonas syringae  reveal a major difference in the innate immune systems of mammals and the model plant  Nicotiana benthamiana . Cellular Microbiology , 2013, 15: 601-618.

  23.Wei HL and Collmer A. Multiple lessons from the multiple functions of a regulator of type III secretion system assembly in the plant pathogen  Pseudomonas syringae . Molecular Microbiology , 2012, 85: 195-200.

  24.Wu S, Lu D, Kabbage M, Wei HL, Swingle B, Records AR, Dickman M, He P, Shan L. Bacterial effector HopF2 suppresses arabidopsis innate immunity at the plasma membrane. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions , 2011, 24:585-593

  25.Wei HL, Lei LP, Xia ZY, Liu PG, Liu XZ. PanB is involved in nicotine metabolism in Pseudomonas putida . International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation , 2009, 63: 988-992.

  26.Lei LP, Zhang W, Wei HL, Xia ZY, Liu XZ. Characterization of a novel nicotine-degrading Ensifer sp. strain N7 isolated from tobacco rhizosphere. Annals of Microbiology , 2009, 59: 247-252.

  27.Yan Q, Wu XG, Wei HL, Wang HM, Zhang LQ. Differential control of the PcoI/PcoR quorum-sensing system in Pseudomonas fluorescens 2P24 by sigma factor RpoS and the GacS/GacA two-component regulatory system. Microbiological research , 2009, 164:18-26.

  28.Wei HL, Lei LP, Xia ZY, Liu S, Liu PG, Liu XZ. 2008. Characterization of a novel aerobic nicotine-biodegrading strain of Pseudomonas putida . Annals of Microbiology , 58:41-45.

  29.Zhang W, Wei HL, Gao HW, Huang GH. Cloning and Characterization of ectABC Cluster from Bacillus alcalophilus DTY1. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology , 2008, 24:395-400.

  30.Wei HL, Zhang LQ. Quorum sensing influence root colonization and biological control ability in Pseudomonas fluorescens 2P24. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek , 2006, 86:267-280.

  31.Zhou HY, Wei HL, Liu XL, Wang Y, Zhang LQ, Tang WH. Improving biocontrol activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens through chromosomal integration of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol biosynthesis genes. Chinese Science Bulletin , 2005, 50:775-781.

  32.雷丽萍, 夏振远, 王玥, 魏海雷, 刘杏忠.尼古丁降解菌株L1的分离与降解特性. 农业生物技术学报 . 2007, 4:721-722.

  33.魏海雷, 张力群.荧光假单胞杆菌2P24中 gacS 基因的克隆和功能分析. 微生物学报 , 2005, 45(3):368-372.

  34.张薇, 魏海雷, 高洪文, 胡跃高.土壤微生物多样性及其环境影响因子研究进展. 生态学杂志 , 2005, 24:48-52.

  35.张薇, 魏海雷, 张力群, 胡跃高.苜蓿菌核病生防菌及化学药剂的筛选. 草地学报 , 2005, 13:162-165.

  36.张薇, 魏海雷, 张力群, 胡跃高, 储国良.紫花苜蓿菌核病原鉴定及其主要生物学特征. 草业学报 , 2005, 14:69-75.

  37.魏海雷, 王烨, 张力群, 唐文华.生防菌株2P24与CPF-10的鉴定及其生防相关性状的初步分析. 植物病理学报 , 2004, 34:80-85.

  38.魏海雷, 周洪友, 张力群, 王烨, 唐文华.抗生素2,4-二乙酰基间苯三酚作为荧光假单胞菌2P24菌株生防功能因子的实证分析. 微生物学报 , 2004, 44:663-666.






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