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李文娟,女,1986年12月生,甘肃省兰州市人,博士生导师,研究员,“青年英才计划”入选者。主要研究方向是基于空天地多源遥感技术的农田智能监测技术及应用,具有丰富的产学研经验。已发表Remote Sensing of Environment等内外期刊论文20余篇,第一完成人授权国家发明专利4项,担任Remote Sensing of Environment、Agricultural and forest meteorology、IEEETransactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing、Computers and Electronics in Agriculture等SCI期刊审稿人,Plant Phenomics青年编委、Remote Sensing专刊编委。


2018.11 – 2021.12   法国国家农业食品与环境研究院(INRAE)/阿维尼翁大学, 农业遥感专业,农学博士

2011.09 – 2015.07  中国科学院大学,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,植被定量遥感专业,理学博士

2008.09 – 2011.06   兰州大学,草地农业科技学院,草业地理信息学专业,理学硕士

2004.09 – 2008.07   东北师范大学,地图学与地理信息系统专业,理学学士


2022.01 –  至今 糖心vlog,智慧农业创新团队,研究员

2017.09 – 2021.12  法国农业部农业遥感联盟企业HIPHEN,研发科学家

2016.03 – 2017.08  法国国家农业食品与环境研究院(INRAE),博士后

2014.05 – 2016.02  法国国家农业食品与环境研究院(INRAE),研发工程师


1. 稻田信息天空地融合与智能监测技术,十四五国家重点研发计划“水稻智慧农场技术创新与集成示范”课题,2023YFD2300036,2023-10至2028-09,课题主持

2. 盐碱地空天地一体化快速识别关键技术及产品,国家盐碱地综合利用技术创新中心“揭榜挂帅”项目,GYJ2023002,2023-11至2026-11,项目主持

3. 多模块综合集成的移动车载一体化多要素数据采集和智能管控系统,十四五国家重点研发计划“高标准农田天空地一体化智慧监管技术与应用”子课题,2022YFB3903501-5,2022-11-01至2026-10-31,子课题主持

4. 顾及雄穗的玉米全生育期LAI和fAPAR无人机遥感反演方法,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,42201388,2023-01-01 至 2025-12-31,项目主持

5. 农作物结构和生理生化参数的无人机遥感提取,糖心vlog科技创新工程青年英才启动经费, 2022-02 至 2024-12,项目主持

6. 法国国家植物表型学基础设施,法国国家科研署,面向未来项目,2013-01 至 2024-12,骨干

7. 农业物联网, 法国政府及地区FUI,2018-08 至 2021-08,骨干

8. Sentinel-2农田遥感产品P2S2-Crops,法国航天局,2016-01 至 2018-12,骨干

9. 基于无人机成像系统的新型'端到端 '农业咨询服务,法国政府及地区FUI,2014-03 至 2018-03,骨干

10. 欧盟FP-7项目Imagines,欧盟,2012-11至2016-01,骨干


1. Li, W.*, Weiss, M., Jay, S., Wei, S., Zhao, N., Comar, A., Lopez-Lozano, R., De Solan, B., Yu, Q., Wu, W.*, Baret, F., (2024). Daily monitoring of Effective Green Area Index and Vegetation Chlorophyll Content from continuous acquisitions of a multi-band spectrometer over winter wheat.  Remote Sensing of Environment , 300, 113883.

2. Liu, R., Li, P., Li, Z., Liu, Z., Li, W.*, & Liu, S.* (2023). Bio-Master: design and validation of a high-throughput biochemical profiling platform for crop canopies.  Plant Phenomics , accept.

3. Cai, Z., Hu, Q., Zhang, X., Yang, J., Wei, H., Wang, J., Zeng, Y., Yin, G., Li, W., You, L., Xu, B., Shi, Z., (2023). Improving agricultural field parcel delineation with a dual branch spatiotemporal fusion network by integrating multimodal satellite data.  ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing , 205, 34–49.

4. Li, H., Yan, K., Gao, S., Ma, X., Zeng, Y., Li, W., Yin, G., Mu, X., Yan, G., Myneni, R.B., (2023). A Novel Inversion Approach for the Kernel-Driven BRDF Model for Heterogeneous Pixels.  Journal of Remote Sensing ,  3 , 0038.

5. Cai, Z., Hu, Q., Zhang, X., Yang, J., Wei, H., Wang, J., Zeng, Y., Yin, G., Li, W., You, L., Xu, B., Shi, Z., (2023). Improving agricultural field parcel delineation with a dual branch spatiotemporal fusion network by integrating multimodal satellite data.  ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ,  205 , 34–49.

6. Yu, Q., Duan, Y., Wu, Q., Liu, Y., Wen, C., Qian, J., Song, Q., Li, W., Sun, J., Wu, W., (2023). An interactive and iterative method for crop mapping through crowdsourcing optimized field samples.  International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ,  122 , 103409.

7. Li, W.*, Weiss, M., Garric, B., Champolivier, L., Jiang, J., Wu, W., Baret, F., (2023). Mapping Crop Leaf Area Index and Canopy Chlorophyll Content Using UAV Multispectral Imagery: Impacts of Illuminations and Distribution of Input Variables.  Remote Sensing  15, 1539, 1-13.

8. Zou, D., Yan, K., Pu, J., Gao, S., Li, W., Mu, X., Knyazikhin, Y., Myneni, R.B., (2022). Revisit the Performance of MODIS and VIIRS Leaf Area Index Products from the Perspective of Time-Series Stability.  IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing  15, 8958–8973.

9. Wang, J., Lopez-Lozano, R., Weiss, M., Buis, S., Li, W., Liu, S., Baret, F., Zhang, J., (2022). Crop specific inversion of PROSAIL to retrieve green area index (GAI) from several decametric satellites using a Bayesian framework.  Remote Sensing of Environment  278, 113085.

10. Li, W.*, Comar, A., Weiss, M., Jay, S., Lopez-Lozano, R., Simon, M., Colombeau, G., Hemmerle, M., Baret, F., (2021). A double swath configuration for improving throughput and accuracy of trait estimate from UAV images.  Plant Phenomics , 2021, 2021: 1-11

11. Camacho, F., Fuster, B., Li, W., Weiss, M., Ganguly, S., Lacaze, R., Baret, F. (2021). Crop specific algorithms trained over ground measurements provide the best performance for GAI and fAPAR estimates from Landsat-8 observations.  Remote Sensing of Environment , 260, 112453

12. Li, W.*, Jiang, J., Baret, F., Comar, A., Hemmerle, M., Weiss, M., Madec, S., Tison, F., Burger, P., (2021). Impact of the reproductive organs on crop BRDF as observed from a UAV.  Remote Sensing of Environment , 259, 112433

13. Wojnowski, W., Wei, S., Li, W., Yin, T., Li, X.-X., Ow, G.L.F., Yusof, M.L.M., Whittle, A.J., (2021). Comparison of Absorbed and Intercepted Fractions of PAR for Individual Trees Based on Radiative TransferModel Simulations.  Remote Sensing,  13, 1069.

14. Li, W.*, Fang, H., Wei, S., Weiss, M., Baret, F., (2021). Critical analysis of methods to estimate the fraction of absorbed or intercepted photosynthetically active radiation from ground measurements: application to rice crops.  Agricultural and forest meteorology , 297, 108273

15. Jay, S., Comar, A., Benicio, R., Beauvois, J., Dutartre, D., Daubige, G., Li, W., Labrosse, J., Thomas, S., Henry, N., Weiss, M., Baret, F., (2020). Scoring Cercospora Leaf Spot on Sugar Beet: Comparison of UGV and UAV Phenotyping Systems.  Plant Phenomics , 2020, 1–18.

16. Fang, H., Zhang, Y., Wei, S., Li, W., Ye, Y., Sun, T., Liu, W., (2019). Validation of global moderate resolution leaf area index (LAI) products over croplands in northeastern China.  Remote Sensing of Environment , 233, 111377

17. Fang, H., Liu, W., Li, W., Wei, S., (2018). Estimation of the directional and whole apparent clumping index (ACI) from indirect optical measurements.  ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing , 144, 1–13

18. Li, W.*, Baret, F., Weiss, M., Buis, S., Lacaze, R., Demarez, V., Dejoux, J.-f., Battude, M., Camacho, F., (2017). Combining hectometric and decametric satellite observations to provide near real time decametric FAPAR product.  Remote Sensing of Environment , 200, 250-262

19. Li, W.*, Weiss, M., Waldner, F., Defourny, P., Demarez, V., Morin, D., Hagolle, O., Baret, F., (2015). A generic algorithm to estimate LAI, FAPAR and FCOVER variables from SPOT4_HRVIR and Landsat sensors: Evaluation of the Consistency and Comparison with Ground Measurements.  Remote Sensing , 7, 15494-15516

20. Li, W.*, Fang, H. (2015). Estimation of direct, diffuse, and total FPAR from Landsat surface reflectance data and ground-based estimates over six FLUXNET sites.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences , 120, 96-112

21. Waldner, F., Lambert, M.-J., Li, W., Weiss, M., Demarez, V., Morin, D., Marais-Sicre, C., Hagolle, O., (2015). Land cover and crop type classification along the season based on biophysical variables retrieved from multi-sensor high-resolution time series.  Remote Sensing , 7, 10400-10424

22. Fang, H., Li, W., Wei, S., Jiang, C. (2014). Seasonal variation of Leaf Area Index over paddy rice fields in NE China: Intercomparison of destructive sampling, LAI-2200, digital hemispherical photography (DHP), and AccuPAR methods.  Agricultural and forest meteorology , 198-199, 126-141

23. Fang, H., Li, W., Myneni, R.B. (2013). The impact of potential land cover misclassification on MODIS Leaf Area Index (LAI) estimation: A statistical perspective.  Remote Sensing , 5, 830-844

24. Fang, H., Jiang, C., Li, W., Wei, S., Baret, F., Chen, J.M., Garcia-Haro, J., Liang, S., etc (2013). Characterization and intercomparison of global moderate resolution leaf area index (LAI) products: Analysis of climatologies and theoretical uncertainties.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences , 118, 529-548

25. 李文娟, 九次力, 谭忠厚, 马轩龙, 陈全功 (2013). 青海省草地生产力及草畜平衡状况研究.  资源科学 ,  34 (2) ,  367-372

26. 李文娟, 马轩龙, 陈全功 (2009). 青海省海东海北地区草地资源产量与草畜平衡现状研究.  草业学报 , 18 (5) ,  270

27.马轩龙, 李文娟, 陈全功 (2009). 基于 GIS 与草原综合顺序分类法对甘肃省草地类型的划分初探.  草业科学 , 26 (5) , 7-13


1. 李文娟; 吴文斌; 宋茜; 余强毅 ; 一种评估育种田间小区样地质量的方法和系统, 2023-10-03, 中 国, ZL202211410253.7

2. 李文娟; 吴文斌; 余强毅 ; 一种支持多型号多光谱相机数据全自动处理的方法和系统, 2023-07-04, 中国, ZL202211273396.8

3. 李文娟; 吴文斌; 余强毅; 宋茜 ; 一种融合物联网和卫星生成时空连续农作物参数的方法和系统, 2023-06-13, 中国, ZL202211464074.1

4. 李文娟; 吴文斌; 余强毅 ; 一种基于微型光谱仪连续观测提取农作物叶面积指数和叶绿素含量的方法, 2022-12-27, 中国, ZL202211314999.8






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