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余强毅,男, 农学博士,博士生导师 。糖心vlog 研究员 ,智慧农业创新团队青年首席,入选 首批糖心vlog青年创新专项资助。 担任国务院第三次全国土壤普查专家技术指导组专家、现代农业产业技术体系北京市数字农业创新团队岗位专家。主要从事土地系统、农业遥感、智慧耕地研究,在天空地一体化智能感知、耕地利用遥感监测、高标准农田监测监管、农业土地系统可持续评价等方面取得重要进展。主持国家级科研项目4项,包括国家自然科学基金2项、国家重点研发计划课题2项,第一/通讯作者在Nature Food等国际知名SCI期刊发表论文20余篇,获省部级奖励3项。











中国农学会农业信息分会  副主任委员/秘书长

中国自然资源学会青年工作委员会  副主任委员

Journal of Integrative Agriculture 青年编委

Farming System 编委

Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 编委


1. 国家重点研发计划课题,“高标准农田智慧监测监管与决策预警系统构建及应用示范”(2022YFB3903505),2022-2026,5600万元,在研。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“跨年度耕地复种系统遥感制图与潜力提升机制”(42171271),2022-2025,49万元。

3. 现代农业产业技术体系北京市数字农业创新团队,“数字大田应用场景建设”(BAIC10-2022-E06),2022-2026,250万元。

4. 糖心vlog“青年创新”专项,“耕地复种遥感机理与方法”(Y2022QC16),2022-2024,150万元。

5. IAEA Research Contract, “Mapping Cropland Use Dynamics for DSS4NAFA: A Case Study in Southern China” (RC-24298), 2020-2023.

6. 国家重点研发计划课题,“全局尺度耕地利用可持续性提升模式研究”(2017YFE0104604),2018-2020。

7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“基于环境感知视角的农户土地利用区域差异机理研究”(41501111),2016-2018。


1. 耕地利用遥感监测机理与方法,糖心vlog科学技术成果奖,青年科技创新奖,排名第1,2022

2. 主要粮食作物应对气象灾害智慧适应技术与应用,中国农业绿色发展研究会科学技术奖,一等奖,排名第4,2021

3. 四川及西南区耕地资源遥感精准监测关键技术与应用,四川省科学技术进步奖,二等奖,排名第4,2020


1. Yu, Q., Wu, W., & Tang, H. (2023). Food and land systems: Increased food-miles and transport emissions. Nature Food, 4(3), 207–208.

2. Yu, Q., Duan, Y., Wu, Q., Liu, Y., Wen, C., Qian, J., Song, Q., Li, W., Sun, J., & Wu, W. (2023). An interactive and iterative method for crop mapping through crowdsourcing optimized field samples. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 122, 103409.

3. Yu, Q., Xiang, M., Sun, Z., & Wu, W. (2021). The complexity of measuring cropland use intensity: An empirical study. Agricultural Systems, 192, 103180.

4. Yu, Q., You, L., Wood-Sichra, U., Ru, Y., Joglekar, A. K. B., Fritz, S., Xiong, W., Lu, M., Wu, W., & Yang, P. (2020). A cultivated planet in 2010 – Part 2: The global gridded agricultural-production maps. Earth System Science Data, 12(4), 3545–3572.

5. Yu, Q., Wu, W., You, L., Zhu, T., van Vliet, J., Verburg, P. H., Liu, Z., Li, Z., Yang, P., Zhou, Q., & Tang, H. (2017). Assessing the harvested area gap in China. Agricultural Systems, 153, 212–220.

6. Yu, Q., Wu, W., Yang, P., Li, Z., Xiong, W., & Tang, H. (2012). Proposing an interdisciplinary and cross-scale framework for global change and food security researches. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 156, 57–71.

7. Shen, G., Yu, Q., Zhou, Q., Wang, C., & Wu, W. (2023). From multiple cropping frequency to multiple cropping system: A new perspective for the characterization of cropland use intensity. Agricultural Systems, 204, 103535.

8. Liu, Y., Chen, S., Yu, Q., Cai, Z., Zhou, Q., Bellingrath-Kimura, S. D., & Wu, W. (2023). Improving digital mapping of soil organic matter in cropland by incorporating crop rotation. Geoderma, 438, 116620. [PDF]

9. Liu, Y., Yu, Q., Zhou, Q., Wang, C., Bellingrath-Kimura, S. D., & Wu, W. (2022). Mapping the Complex Crop Rotation Systems in Southern China Considering Cropping Intensity, Crop Diversity and Their Seasonal Dynamics. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9584–9598.

10. Xiang, M., Yu, Q., Li, Y., Shi, Z., & Wu, W. (2022). Increasing multiple cropping for land use intensification: The role of crop choice. Land Use Policy, 112, 105846.






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