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潘君廷,男, 工学博士 。糖心vlog 研究员 ,入选 糖心vlog青年英才 。主要从事农业废弃物资源化利用和流域面源污染防控研究,在农业废弃物厌氧消化提质增效、好氧堆肥温室气体减排、生物基高值材料制备及应用和生物能源高效利用等方面取得重要进展。主持国家自然科学基金等项目10余项,以第一或通讯作者在Trends in Biotechnology, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews等领域顶尖期刊发表论文50余篇,第一完成人授权国内外发明专利10余件。


2008/09-2012/07 云南师范大学,农业建筑环境与能源工程,工学学士

2012/09-2016/06 西北农林科技大学,农业生物环境与能源工程,工学博士


2016/07-2018/12:糖心vlog 助理研究员

2019/01-2022/12:糖心vlog 副研究员 (期间:2019/12-2020/07,2022/09-2022/12农业农村部科技教育司借调)

2023/01-至今:糖心vlog 研究员


中国土壤学会青年工作委员会  委员

中国植物营养与肥料学会青年工作委员会 委员

农业农村部秸秆综合利用专家指导组 成员

农业农村部农村沼气安全生产专家指导组 成员

生态环境部 农业农村部农业面源污染治理与监督指导专家组 成员

Biofuel Research Journal  编委

Energy, Ecology and Environment 编委

Biochar 青年编委

Carbon Research 青年编委





Mortaza Aghbashlo, Hamid Amiri , Seyed Masoud Moosavi Basri, Hajar Rastegari, Su Shiung Lam, Junting Pan*, Vijai Kumar Gupta*, Meisam Tabatabaei*. Tuning chitosan’s chemical structure for enhanced biological functions. Trends in Biotechnology. 2023, 41:6.

Yueru Fang, Amjad Ali, Yuxi Gao, Peng Zhao, Ronghua Li*, Xianxian Li, Junxi Liu, Yuan Luo, Yaru Peng, Hailong Wang, Hongbin Liu, Zengqiang Zhang, Junting Pan*. Preparation and characterization of MgO hybrid biochar and its mechanism for high efficient recovery of phosphorus from aqueous media. Biochar. 2022, 4:40.

Ziyan Sun, Lu Feng, Yeqing Li*, Yongming Han, Hongjun Zhou, Junting Pan*. Anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste using a novel two-stage solid-liquid system. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 362:132296.

Hao Jiang, Shuangqing Wang, Baochen Li, Lu Feng, Limei Zhai, Hongjun Zhou, Yeqing Li*, Junting Pan*. Anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste using a novel two-stage solid-liquid system. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 370:133521.

Yeqing Li#, Zhangmu Jing#, Junting Pan*, Gang Luo, Lu Feng, Hao Jiang, Hongjun Zhou, Quan Xu, Yanjuan Lu, Hongbin Liu. Multi-omics joint analysis of the effect of temperature on microbial communities, metabolism, and genetics in full-scale biogas reactors with food waste. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2022, 160:112261.

Tao Luo, Junting Pan*, Shulan Li, Jian Xue, Zili Mei, Hongbin Liu. Agricultural wastes co-densification: A solution for seasonal feedstock storage and anaerobic digestion performance improvement. Bioresource Technology. 2022, 346:126345.

Yeqing Li#, Zhenxin Wang#, Zhuoliang Jiang, Lu Feng, Junting Pan*, Mingyu Zhu, Chengjie Ma, Zhangmu Jing, Hao Jiang, Hongjun Zhou, Hongbin Liu. Bio-based carbon materials with multiple functional groups and graphene structure to boost methane production from ethanol anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology. 2022, 344:126353.

Junting Pan*, Tao Luo*,Yadong Yang, Fei Shen, Hailong Huang, Zili Mei, Hongbin Liu. Semi-continuous fermentation of chopped rice straw in a solid-state anaerobic digester: Influences of the tank height-to-diameter ratio, solid-state bed concentration, and leachate recirculation ratio. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 329:129710.

Tao Luo, Benyamin Khoshnevisan, Ruyi Huang, Qiu Chen, Zili Mei, Junting Pan*, Hongbin Liu. Analysis of revolution in decentralized biogas facilities caused by transition in Chinese rural areas. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2020, 133:110133.

Junting Pan, Junyi Ma, Xiaoxia Liu, Limei Zhai, Xihui Ouyang, Hongbin Liu*. Effects of different types of biochar on the anaerobic digestion of chicken manure. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 275: 258-265.





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