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一、 教育背景及工作经历

2001.09-2005.07 济南大学 环境工程专业 本科

2005.09-2008.07 中国地质大学(北京) 环境科学专业 硕士

2014.09-2018.07 比利时列日大学 农学与生物工程专业 博士

2008.07-2010.05 北京市环境保护科学研究院 助理工程师

2010.06至今 糖心vlog 副研究员

二、 社会兼职





三、 主持省部级以上科研项目

1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目——胶质类芽孢杆菌与慢生大豆根瘤菌互作及其促进结瘤机理研究(31200388),2013-2015,20万元;

2. 国家重点研发计划子任务——豆科绿肥根瘤菌剂产品标准研制(2021YFD1700201-06),2021-2025,50万元;

3. 云南省重大科技专项计划项目课题——绿色生物肥料产品评价指标体系的建立(202202AE090025),2022-2024,60万元;

4. 农业农村部政府购买服务项目——农产品质量安全风险评估(14205001),2020,20万元;

5. 农业农村部政府购买服务项目——微生物肥料产品质量检验检测(15208039,15208040),2020,191万元;

6. 国家农产品质量安全风险评估重大专项项目——肥料及沼肥对农产品质量安全影响摸底排查和关键控制点评估(GJFP2019033),2019,24万元;

四、 近五年代表性论文及专著

[1] Jing Zhou, Mingchao Ma*, Dawei Guan, et al. Nitrogen has a greater infuence than phosphorus on the diazotrophic community in two successive crop seasons in Northeast China. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11:6303.

[2] Ding J*, Ma M*, Jiang X, et al. Effects of applying inorganic fertilizer and organic manure for 35 years on the structure and diversity of ammonia‐oxidizing archaea communities in a Chinese Mollisol field. MicrobiologyOpen. 2019;e942.

[3] Wang, Q., Ma, M*., Jiang, X. et al. Long-term N fertilization altered 13C-labeled fungal community composition but not diversity in wheat rhizosphere of Chinese black soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2019)135:117-126.

[4] Qingfeng Wang1, Mingchao Ma1, Xin Jiang⁎, et al. Impact of 36 years of nitrogen fertilization on microbial community composition and soil carbon cycling-related enzyme activities in rhizospheres and bulk soils in northeast China. Applied Soil Ecology 136 (2019) 148–157.

[5] Mingchao Ma, Jing Zhou, Marc Ongena, et al. Effect of long-term fertilization strategies on bacterial community composition in a 35-year field experiment of Chinese Mollisols. AMB Express. 2018. 8:20.

[6] Mingchao Ma, Xin Jiang*, Qingfeng Wang, et al. Responses of fungal community composition to long-term chemical and organic fertilization strategies in Chinese Mollisols. MicrobiologyOpen. 2018; e597.

[7] Mingchao Ma, Marc Ongena, Qingfeng Wang, et al. Chronic fertilization of 37 years alters the phylogenetic structure of soil arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Chinese Mollisols. AMB Express. 2018. 8:57.

[8] Mingchao Ma, Xin Jiang, Qingfeng Wang, et al. 2018. Isolation and Identification of PGPR Strain and its Effect on Soybean Growth and Soil Bacterial Community Composition. International journal of agriculture & biology. 20: 1289‒1297.

[9] 李 俊,姜 昕,马鸣超*. 新形势下微生物肥料产业运行状况及发展方向. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2020, 26(12): 2107–2113.

[10] 马鸣超,姜昕,曹凤明,李俊. 生物有机肥生产菌种安全分析及管控对策研究. 农产品质量与安全,2019 (6): 57-61.

[11] 土壤微生物生态学实验指导.北京:中国农业科学技术出版社,2020.12(主编)

[12] 微生物肥料生产应用技术百问百答.北京:中国农业出版社,2019.06(主编)

五、 联系方式





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