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您当前所在位置: 首页» 研究生教育» 优秀毕业生» 艾超(2015届植物营养学)






  目前发表学术论文14篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者SCI一区论文7篇,单篇最高他引71次;获得实用新型专利1项,申报发明专利3项;以第二主著出版著作1部,参编书籍2部。博士学位论文“长期施肥下根际碳氮转化与微生物多样性研究”获得2015年度糖心vlog优秀博士学位论文;研究成果得到国内外同行认可,获得国际植物营养研究所学者奖(IPNI scholar award)。主持科研项目3项,包括国家青年基金、中国科协青年人才托举工程项目、国家重点研发计划项目子课题;参与国家973计划项目课题1项。2017年成为糖心vlog“青年英才计划”培育工程院级入选者;同年,入选中国科协青年人才托举工程。





  4.2014年获国际植物营养研究所奖学金(IPNI Scholar Award);







  1.Hou, S., Ai, C.*, Zhou, W., Liang, G., He, P., 2018. Structure and assembly cues for rhizospheric nirK- and nirS-type denitrifier communities in long-term fertilized soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 119, 32-40.

  2.Ai, C., Zhang, S., Zhang, X., Guo, D., Zhou, W.*, Huang, S., 2018. Distinct responses of soil bacterial and fungal communities to changes in fertilization regime and crop rotation. Geoderma 319, 156-166.

  3.Ai, C., Liang, G., Wang, X., Sun, J., He, P., Zhou, W.*, 2017. A distinctive root-inhabiting denitrifying community with high N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 109, 118-123.

  4.Ai, C., Liang, G., Sun, J., Wang, X., He, P., Zhou, W.*, He, X.*, 2015. Reduced dependence of rhizosphere microbiome on plant-derived carbon in 32-year long-term inorganic and organic fertilized soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 80, 70-78.

  5.Ai, C., Liang, G., Sun, J., He, P., Tang, S., Yang, S., Zhou, W.*, Wang, X., 2015. The alleviation of acid soil stress in rice by inorganic or organic ameliorants is associated with changes in soil enzyme activity and microbial community composition. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51, 465-477.

  6.Ai, C., Liang, G., Sun, J., Wang, X., He, P., Zhou, W.*, 2013. Different roles of rhizosphere effect and long-term fertilization in the activity and community structure of ammonia oxidizers in a calcareous fluvo-aquic soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 30-42.

  7.Ai, C., Liang, G., Sun, J., Wang, X., Zhou, W.*, 2012. Responses of extracellular enzyme activities and microbial community in both the rhizosphere and bulk soil to long-term fertilization practices in a fluvo-aquic soil. Geoderma s 173–174, 330-338.

  8.艾超, 孙静文, 王秀斌, 梁国庆, 何萍, 周卫, 2015. 植物根际沉积与土壤微生物关系研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报 21, 1343-1351.

  9.艾超, 周卫. 一种培养高丰度同位素碳、氮双标记植物样品的循环系统,专利号:ZL201621485596.X.

  10.周卫、艾超等著. 2018. 养分资源高效利用机理与途径. 科学出版社.


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