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近日,我所盐碱地改良创新团队在保护性耕作土壤固碳机制研究中取得重要进展,相关成果以“Understanding how conservation tillage promotes soil carbon accumulation: Insights into extracellular enzyme activities and carbon flows between aggregate fractions”为题发表在中科院1区Top期刊《Science of The Total Environment》(IF = 9.8)上。


研究团队基于农业部洛阳旱地农业重点野外科学观测试验站21年保护性耕作田间定位试验,通过测定0–10 cm土层团聚体中的水解酶和氧化酶活性和土壤有机碳矿化水平,并利用13C自然丰度法量化了团聚体间碳流路径与强度,从而阐明保护性耕作对土壤有机碳积累的影响机制。研究结果表明,与常规耕作和少耕秸秆移除相比,免耕和深松秸秆覆盖通过降低大团聚体中的水解酶和氧化酶活性以及碳从大团聚体流向小团聚体的强度,从而将新碳更好地保护在大团聚体中,减少有机碳损失,进而促进土壤碳积累。研究成果有助于深化对保护性耕作土壤固碳机制的理解,也可为应对气候变化提供科技支撑。



Liu, X T., Song, X J., Li, S P., Liang, G P., Wu, X P., 2023. Understanding how conservation tillage promotes soil carbon accumulation: Insights into extracellular enzyme activities and carbon flows between aggregate fractions. Science of The Total Environment 897, 165408. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165408



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